Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bump Around My Lip Piercing


Pattern 1-climb in a ring 3 chains to form the first high point
continue with 7 points higher, or twigs. (8PA)
2-here we are going to increase 2PA at each point above. 3-3
cad to climb as in all the laps 1PA where it did the 3 chains to form 2PA
together, 1PA, 2paj, repeat until the end.
1PA 4-5 at each point. (No increase)
6-here we weave back and forth. Just weave 18pa and tacked (19pa counting the 3 chains)
We left 6 points nonwovens which formed the avertura the shoe.
7-weave about 19 points more than 6 lines for a total of 7 lines that will be the
feet over here if we can measure the picito of the girl for sure that this does not NEED TO another lap.
the last lap 8-fold and stitch tissue join to form the heel run. We
9-point edge in the middle to shape and adjust the shoe to the foot (this can be in another color to match)
starting from behind the shoe
2sc do in each space which is the high point.
When you reach the corner 3mp close together, making the two side and taking one of those on the above, and ceramos 4dc
the next 3mpj.
10-mp continue the line 2 in each semi-final round close to
11-Now we do a half-point line to give a little height to the edge.

Tirra or Amarrita
1-We weave 20 points and closed chain forming a buttonhole in the 7th string point
continue sc in each chain point (12sc) in the next point 4mp, 1sc in each point (13mp)
8mp in the grommet and close.
2 - Tirra to sew the shoe, put the button and ready ....
Here you can find the pattern for adult GRACIASSSssssss .... .......


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