Saturday, June 21, 2008

Things To Do With Leg Cast


Sunset in Santiago de Chile.

In early June I took my e_mail just personal, concerned about the health of Carmen Silva, who is no longer with us. Upon opening my mail to communicate the sad news to some friends I met an unexpected surprise from my friend Graciela Bello Argentina, which gave me the "Tree of Happiness" to see the right side of blog. Needless to say I was very excited, as if mourning the departure of a dear friend and a very special for this world, I felt I was less alone ... and that someone felt that this humble blog had feelings and a man behind. The work of writing blogs is important for me is that it is a lonely job, but we meet many, although not leave comments as they walk by them.

Autumn Sunset in Santiago de Chile.

I've always been a freak and so I feel that others see me because I entertain the same things that others do not follow the futboll except for the finals, I do not care what someone said of the nonsense and I'm happy painting, reading, and having an entertaining conversation, and for whom more than three's a crowd ....

The "Tree of Happiness", which gave us Grace Henry Santiago and me coming from Portugal and the original text says (briefly): "You just received the Tree of Happiness, is still a small seedling, but up to you to grow firm and strong. plant it in your heart, water them with smiles and kindness, feel the aroma of flowers and fruit taste and shares his shadow people quieras.Comparte this tree with your friends. It'll be planting more happiness ...

Happiness is ephemeral and lasts a few seconds, so just share with true friends, our family and receive a warm greeting are very important, and we must not forget this ever, because life is short and soon we going, so keep writing and talking about everything and nothing in these spaces, so that others can feel equally alone or weirdos like me know that we are not that many laughs few ... not to mourn, and that underlie masks for not revealing that they feel sadness, anger or pain.

While we have some special people close to us will be less icy cold winter, which also gets into our souls, when we feel tired, sad or despondent. Thanks Grace for giving me a ray of sunshine, I hope I can do to bring others to multiply your gift ....
Painting in my studio


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