Sunday, December 21, 2008

George Vancouver's Boat Diagram

Christmas Links:

... About Christmas: wikipedia / Aciprensa ... In Christmas kids. forum ... Bethlehem 1 / 2 . ... Websites on Christmas (resources, links ...): 1 / 2 / 3 .

... coloring. ... Sweet Christmas, polvorones recipe. ... On YouTube: A Christmas Carol Disney. ... Read: Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Images .

... Read: Merry Christmas - Learning Songs and Traditions En Inglés. ... Christmas and Christmas in flickr. ... Send YouTube videos as Christmas greeting . See also: hdgreetings / zefrank. ... Games: 1 / 2 / 3 . ... Illustrations classic Christmas . ... Christmas Carols in English: 1 / 2 ... in English and other languages \u200b\u200b 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 . ... Christmas Music . ... Music videos, humor ... Christmas: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 .

Blogalaxia Tags: Christmas /
TAGS: Christmas /

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Candid-hd где найти




- [ + ] At the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: " All the Histories of Art: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna , until 18 January 2009.

- [ +] Madrid (Spain). In the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza and Fundación Caja Madrid: " 1914! La Vanguardia and the Great War " until January 11, 2009.

- [ + ] Paris. At the Grand Palais, the Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay: "Picasso et les maîtres (Picasso and teachers ) until February 2, 2009.


- European digital magazines. Via portafolioblog.

- In ' : Art in a moleskine. Via ( read article) Isopixel.

- The covers nine hundred thirty-eight Daniel Gil for Alianza Editorial. Ephemeral via .

- Museums: Cincinnati Art Museum.

- Matt Stuart: The other side of reality . Matt Stuart Web .

- On YouTube: Walt Disney Documentary . See also: How Walt Disney Cartoons Are Made (How are cartoons made by Walt Disney).

- The Digital Artist : digital artists.

- Photographers: curious people. Via elLf.

- Photoshop Lady: collection of tutorials on Photoshop. Via blogandweb .

- Virtual Tours by Egypt: egyptvoyager / egyptianmuseum / egyptmyway / virtual-egypt .

- Video animation on YouTube: Living in the dark (living in the dark).

- Graffiti in times of crisis . Via flashes.

- Sculptures money. Via toxel.

- Photographers on Flickr: Ásmundur Þorkelsson .

- Critical Notes on art.

- In blogoff: "How do images demotivating (demotivation posters)."

- Animation on YouTube: Burning Safari . View web.

- Zoomii Books: Amazon's virtual bookstore (press Escape to exit the presentation.) See article: Visual Beta .


- In Klei: How to do a doctoral thesis . Via bibliographos .

- Working as a freelance illustrator . Via cartoonist.

- The browser war reaches the world of books. Via papelenblanco.

- In, "Things not ever change " underpaid writers and writers who charge unreasonable advances millionaires ...

- Palette Concept for digital artists. Via Neoteo.

- How to Design a Pocket Calendar . Via analisisgrafico.

- of 3D printing for self-replication ... with Darwin. Via mezclazul.

- In, Joichi Ito interview: "Creative Commons will become a standards organization of copyright."

continue reading more news: page 2

Blogalaxia Tags: art /
TAGS: digital magazines / art / / / / / animation / / PhD /

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ver Online Brent Corrigan



- CHANGES IN THE BLOG: As you have noticed we have changed the periodicity of publication of our bi-monthly agenda once every two months. If it appears during that time more news will add to the + symbol in front and a change in color, so that can differ from those that have already been published. Greetings to all our readers and thanks for visiting the blog.


- [ + ] Madrid. In the Prado Museum: "Rembrandt. Painter of stories", October 15, 2008-January 6, 2009.

- [ + ] Bilbao. The exhibition "Sorolla. Vision of Spain ', consists of fourteen large canvases, arrives at the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao.

- [ + ] The World's Largest Print.


- LEVIS LABSTORE . Via Pristina.

- Carlos Ramos (Illustrator), at Corey Helford Gallery. Vía visual Things .

- Get off the World: Documentary free and in English. Via's new Wwwhat.

- Museums: Musée du Luxembourg .

- Go! Animate : creating Flash animation type. Via genbeta .

- Monfa: Illustrator Costa Rica. Via Blogpappers .

- Humor: Arts 'updated' . See also: gizmodo . Via Cibermitaños .

- Yuglo: Social Networking artists. Via Loogic .

- The Kiosk : All the covers on one page. Via Ediciona .

- Manual spelling of the Royal Academia in PDF. 86400 Via .

- On YouTube: Mia Rose, British singer . Via BuscaTV .

- Web journal Nature.

- Collection of 192 ads creative. Via nfgraphics .

- SoundTribes: promote your music.

- Computer Arts: web magazine about digital art.

- Origami: Eric Joisel , Brian Chan, Kamiya Shatoshi .

- Sachagreif : The Google for designers. Via analisisgrafico .

- Wall Art: Walls deceive our eyes. Via kikades.

- Contemporary Arts: blog on contemporary art.

- Painting: Christine Comyn . Grass Track .


- In Intramed: The advantages of being stupid.

- The sad reality of the musicians ...

- In encountering melons: Everything changes, everything remains the same.

- " And although his drawings you like everyone, he lives off his wife's salary ." Favelis checked.

- Interview with Miguel Muñoz Fernández of : all by illustrators in ''.

- Pop Art . Via the Lotus Eaters.

- took the Brit Oil Islamic art. Via cnn.

continue reading more news: page 2

Blogalaxia Tags: documentary / animation / illustrators / digital art
TAGS: documentary / animation / illustrators / / / music / digital art / / Contemporary Art / Pop Art

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunday Sport 07-08-94


On Wednesday August 6 last attended a memorable exhibition, both the paintings on display, the large audience, for being part of another great project of our dear friend Enrique de Santiago .

Luis Berrios

As good surreal condition you are born and not made, the exhibition was a great event. In a large house that is the Architectural Heritage in the Posada del Corregidor Gallery on Esmeralda, and an excellent example with all the attention to detail as it always does Henry, enjoyed after the homeowners welcome Luis Berrios music electroacoustic, excellent sound quality hang yourself,
comprising among others Inaki and close friends of Enrique Tulio.

Then came the surreal
Ernesto Gallardo filing with the performance of rigor, who notes that the art does not sell burned a thousand pesos bill (really) and then part of texts thought to leave only read some random pages that made excellent and emotional opening of the exhibition.

For there we have it would have sounded the fire alarm because it is a historic building ....

saw an excited and happy Enrique and a room crowded with many acquaintances and friends which is not usual when exposed in the center, just in time for the taco.

Enrique works they looked impressive once again boasting a fascinating imagination .... is a great example you have to see again.
friends were there and it was really fun to share with many who were not only meet, but because the exhibition is prepared with love and passion and we all knew Henry.

And there are the fruit of months of work, we know that you suffer until the day of the exhibición.Pero you did .... Once again your efforts have borne fruit. Congratulations Henry for no compromise, and keep doing your thing, these paintings say so much and have not been made for combined with a chair. Therefore

as Breton said in his first Surrealist Manifesto, is that while painting remembered these words, "Beloved imagination, what I love about you is that they never forgive.

Only the word freedom has the power to exalt. It seems right and just keep indefinitely this old human fanaticism. Without a doubt, is based on my only legitimate aspiration ".... "
Despite so many misfortunes as we inherited, we must recognize that we have been bequeathed a total spiritual freedom. To us to use it wisely. Reduce the imagination to slavery, when despite everything will be enslaved under what is called with rude approach happiness, is to strip as one finds in the depths of himself the supreme right to justice. Only the imagination allows me to get to know what can be, and that is sufficient to alleviate a little of their terrible punishment, and this also suffices for me to leave it without fear of cheating (as if we could fool even more "

inexhaustible imagination pour in your many writings is all that fabric perfect bill, which illuminate the Posada del Corregidor, thanks Henry for showing your talent to its best, and for letting us be your friends.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Remote Stert 2010 Santa Fe

summer holidays. We return in September with more news.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where To Buy Redondos Sausages Online





- Madrid. In the Museo del Prado: "Portrait of the Renaissance", until September 7 . See also other exhibitions.

- At the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao, "Ordóñez-Falcón Collection. Pioneers of photography (1845-1930)" , 7 July to 14 September.

- Paris (France). In the Petit Palais, "English Night. Flamenco, avant-garde and popular culture. 1865-1936", until 31 August. And in London (United Kingdom), the Courtauld Gallery: "The Courtauld Cézannes the" June 26 - October 5.


- Editing: the web of publishing professionals.

- Workshop and Art: Art Share .

- Digital Artist: Bert Monroy .

- Animation & A: Trembled Blossoms Prada of . Via companiaperfecta .

- Museums: The State Tretyakov Gallery .

- perfect Company: blog animation and illustration.

- TEACHING-ART : blog devoted to the dissemination of art history.

- Worth1000: retouching.

- Picturing America: educational website about the history of art in USA.

- Briefblog : creativity and advertising. Via marcocreativo .

- Amazee : network to collaborate and promote projects. Via Swissmiss .


- Building the Perfect Portfolio (in English). Via digital-web.

- Measuring the quality of a work of art . Via walker.

- The blog, a new way to get 15 minutes of fame. Via larazon.

- Artists and writers in the most visited blogs . Via seloqueblogueasteis.

- How extends by news blogs and media. Via ALT1040.

continue reading more news: page 2

Blogalaxia Tags: art / digital artists
TAGS: Editorial / art / digital artists / advertising / / animation / / most visited blogs / art history /

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Things To Do With Leg Cast


Sunset in Santiago de Chile.

In early June I took my e_mail just personal, concerned about the health of Carmen Silva, who is no longer with us. Upon opening my mail to communicate the sad news to some friends I met an unexpected surprise from my friend Graciela Bello Argentina, which gave me the "Tree of Happiness" to see the right side of blog. Needless to say I was very excited, as if mourning the departure of a dear friend and a very special for this world, I felt I was less alone ... and that someone felt that this humble blog had feelings and a man behind. The work of writing blogs is important for me is that it is a lonely job, but we meet many, although not leave comments as they walk by them.

Autumn Sunset in Santiago de Chile.

I've always been a freak and so I feel that others see me because I entertain the same things that others do not follow the futboll except for the finals, I do not care what someone said of the nonsense and I'm happy painting, reading, and having an entertaining conversation, and for whom more than three's a crowd ....

The "Tree of Happiness", which gave us Grace Henry Santiago and me coming from Portugal and the original text says (briefly): "You just received the Tree of Happiness, is still a small seedling, but up to you to grow firm and strong. plant it in your heart, water them with smiles and kindness, feel the aroma of flowers and fruit taste and shares his shadow people quieras.Comparte this tree with your friends. It'll be planting more happiness ...

Happiness is ephemeral and lasts a few seconds, so just share with true friends, our family and receive a warm greeting are very important, and we must not forget this ever, because life is short and soon we going, so keep writing and talking about everything and nothing in these spaces, so that others can feel equally alone or weirdos like me know that we are not that many laughs few ... not to mourn, and that underlie masks for not revealing that they feel sadness, anger or pain.

While we have some special people close to us will be less icy cold winter, which also gets into our souls, when we feel tired, sad or despondent. Thanks Grace for giving me a ray of sunshine, I hope I can do to bring others to multiply your gift ....
Painting in my studio

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Leaf Green Cheats For Mac


Carmen, I never thought that one day they would have to say goodbye, and here I am drowning my sorrow, because a woman is unique match, and never will see.

I am thankful for having been lucky enough to share with you your life since you returned to Chile and enjoy conversation as much fun, because you'd see life with an unparalleled optimism.

impossible not to remember a day when I visited you in the Hospital San José, and I said, "look how lucky I am, how I serve, I get spurts of love and even I have a window! ! watch the sunset .... and made me look back to the city by window, showing me how beautiful everything looked.

are many who miss you and I find it difficult to know how we will continue to exist without you, filling as many spaces. You were always willing to help and remember your hearty laughter with huge green eyes that spoke, with Bolonia projects than concrete.

never heard you speak ill of anyone, they all had their strengths and you did see me, so, you Marcard the lives of many, as were a woman player, which had time for everything, to paint, to be with friends to help the beggars in the street, to love unconditionally to all your family, lived worried and I remember them all receiving your call asking me to light a candle because he was born one of your grandchildren and great grandchildren who loved so much.

you lived in the world and the world, always reading and learning .... suffered for what was happening in Haiti, for the Mapuche cause, by the conflict in the Middle East and all that I put them in your painting, fearless, always with the firm conviction of what was fair or not.

Carmen all miss you, goodbye dear friend, teacher, and the tree arrimabamos us all, we saw so strong that we thought were eternal, and although we knew it would not be so dreamed that you stand up again to go to expose your scheduled presentation in Ecuador. Carmen

dear, you who gave so much, and you deserve to rest in peace.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weddingprayer Of The Faithful





- Madrid. The Museo Thyssen : "Miró: Earth", until 14 September and PHOTOESPAÑA 08: Festival of Photography and Visual Arts, until July 27 .

- Take a virtual tour in 3D Guernica Picasso.

- Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, "Juan Muñoz: A Retrospective", until 5 October. And at the Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao: "From Goya to Gauguin. The nineteenth century in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 16 June to 28 September .


- : free portal for meeting and promoting artists.

- literature of science fiction and fantasy : book covers and magazines, and reviews of authors (in English).

- Modeling a bust African woman.

- Museums: Louvre .

- Getting the Warhol Effect in Photoshop in 7 easy steps. Via dzoom.

- Artinstructionblog : demonstrations of painting, drawing, etc ...

- GoComics : cartoons, comics, etc ...

- Surrealist Art.

- Koen Demuynck : photo editor. Via marcocreativo .

- Collection of 80 photoshop video tutorials. Via cosassencillas .


- How to put all our Flickr photos with Creative Commons license . Via ningunterra.

- VideoPoetry: a theoretical approach . Via revista.escaner.

- Festival of Colors (Holi), India.

- What's in the house of Bill Gates? . Via restored. See also: wikipedia .

continue reading more news: page 2

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wedding Countdown Desktop


Remember May 68 is as evoke dreams, freedom to seek, to be able to realize that after 40 years as usual nothing has changed ...
not lived on May 68, but on everyone's lips at the time the University was in the air that we thought with the power to change everything, remembering what happened in Paris ¡!!!!!

I wrote in the letter-set mirror ... "forbidden to forbid" or "matters much more what you think of yourself than what others think of you," and I remember my mom would get very angry when trying to clean my mirror, but smiling ... .. and now ... .. why the years have passed, there have been changes, but human beings remain the same.
a few years in Chile began to live the military dictatorship and all those dreams were broken suddenly nothing would be the same ... ..

last week while passing through the front of the newspaper La Nation saw the posters that were exhibited and remembered those who pegábamos on the walls of our parts, or that we designed with the slogan ..... deluded us, as in classes secretly exchanged Mafalda magazines, which we exchanged for a good text of the writings of Marcuse, Jean Paul Sartre and others ... ...

all started in 1968 at the University of Nanterre, spread to the Latin Quarter of Paris and spread to the speed of light for the world and got crack the foundations of society, authority and power structures in France. From 22 May to 16 June 1968, while the stones rained down on police in Paris and the students were shouting from the barricades that were "forbidden to forbid", maybe no one imagine that this youth movement, the most lively, wide and peaceful met modern history would become a time bomb that would end the patriarchal society, would allow the emergence of women and youth as full social actors and, 21 years later, would cause the collapse of communist regimes .

Parisians Students wanted or were interested in taking power, just trying to relax the strict morality imposed by the government of Charles De Gaulle. When he finally calmed union workers and tempers calmed spread through all France felt that the movement had been defeated. However, this student revolt, which was the most important twentieth century, had its overall impact on the cultural.

The revolt surprised everyone because it is generated in a country in decline but in a society that was unemployed, lived in a democracy, and enjoyed an enviable well as from the end of the Second War had experienced growth sustained. The complaint was against an entire social system that corseted old to new generations.
"ABANDONMENT" oil and acrylic on canvas. (92 x 73) Gloria Pailles

Forty years after these events we still wonder where are the revolutionaries of yesterday. Most of them, as happened to the hippies, joined the system criticized and fought, preferring to forget the past, locking in a case of youthful dreams marks. And none of them dreams, leads a comfortable life and is happy with it.

The most popular slogans were: Imagination to power, is forbidden to forbid, Be realistic, ask impossible; Stop the world I want to go down, are buying your happiness. Bass. Of course like all slogans and revolutionary slogans have the exaggeration of romance.

"Empty" triptych oil and acrylic on canvas, 1.20 x 1.50. Gloria Pailles

Many criticize that the slogans were utopian. Slogans were rebels, but contradictory and impractical, especially in today's world but I miss those dreams, because at present we do not see anyone fighting for nothing ... ... and that inaction that exists in today's Europe and today in Chile where no great movements that move the masses is close to death.

Without dreams there is no life .... and I refuse to say that nothing we can do .... still dreaming I want to scream ¡!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How To Tune Up A Cobra 148gtl Cb



Chronic Artists Exhibition: "Looks and body in the Municipal Exhibition Hall Barakaldo, May 26-June 6. About City of Barakaldo. View situation in the area. Monday to Friday 11:00 -14:00 and 18:00 to 21:00.


- Muselius: museums of Spain by province. Also, see exhibitions in Spain.

- CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival, exhibitions at the Albertina Museum and more ...


- Portfolio illustrators, photographers, designers ... Via ba-reps.

- What deceive us in the cinema . Via joquecosas.

- Museums: Moderna Museet (Stockholm ).

- Kalipedia : encyclopedia for students and secondary teachers.

- LiveNewsCameras : live news channels in one place. Via Sicrono .

- In MySpaceTV: Street art (street art).

- Imaginova Websites: LiveScience, , ,

- On YouTube: Karel Appel painting (the documentary "The Reality of Karel Appel by Jan Vrijman). To learn more about Karel Appel: Artehistoria / wikipedia / theartwolf / Artcyclopedia / cobraart / karelappelfoundation / tate.


- Romance with death. Via ula.

- Make Art: Artists call for a space YouTube. Via pixelydixel.

- Aesthetics : Journal of art and contemporary aesthetics. Via ula.

- La Banda Ancha 2.0 redraw the web access and television. Via Tendencias21.

continue reading more news: page 2 / page 3

Blogalaxia Tags: / / street art / science / art magazine
TAGS: Chronic Artists Exhibition / / / Moderna Museet / / / street art / science / Karel Appel / Make Art / art magazine

Sunday, April 20, 2008

How Much Haircut On Bench Fix Salon


Working technical paper "ebru" GPaillas

all know that most of what occupies our water, fluids may be liquid and thus the joy and peace that this technique produces work . Algumas
years ago began a practice and my surprise was even greater when I realized that often spent many hours on it, of which almost did not take conscience Once you start it is almost impossible to stop and the most magical thing is that unconsciously takes a long time for little or color that the soul needs at that time and suddenly you leave to take one or the other, without knowing why.

papel.GPaillas ebru on
The results are not always allowed, sometimes accomplish what you wanted to translate, and sometimes not, but the beauty of this is the process .... that feeling of contact with water, is like going back to the essence, and therefore each job is unique and unrepeatable, like life itself. Embodies the joys, sorrows, and even unconscious thoughts in a process that really is very special for the soul.

Working paper GPaillas

Sometimes you start working with red but after a moment, and that upset and looked for another color if you need that lifts our spirit.

go through life trying not to show our emotions, but everything is within us memories of a flower, the yellow picture that we find so many who loved and who have gone .... The memory of the beloved, who is no longer with us, and that terrible feeling that time flies, that life is slipping away, and with them our dreams.

But all such traces remain in our souls until without realizing emerge when we hear a sentence or read a poem, or work with water ... and are printed there.

is said that the origin of this technique comes from the Ottoman Empire, dating from the ninth century
The "ebru" was produced originally in the Imperial Academy (Enderun) de Palacio, but eventually left the room palace and the practice spread throughout Anatolia.

The word "ebru" would come from the Persian word "drunk" that signigica "as a cloud" or "cloudy, and the term" chagatoi ab-ru "meaning water surface.
Technical ebru paper . GPaillas

At the time of the Ottoman Empire was used as the background of government documents and official correspondence to prevent counterfeiting of documents, since the design of each "ebru" are unique. The "ebru", used to decorate the fringes of the manuscripts, to cover the inside of the cap binding and background pieces of calligraphy, became even more valuable after being discovered by European travelers, but the secrets of this technique as old, was kept very secret, and only a chosen few could occupy near Palacio.


papel.GPaillas ebru on why every time they encounter an ancient book of these pasted that smell like old open them and look inside its back cover, and you'll know what I mean, there are people with whom she found part of his soul in whimsical lines and twisted .... Is that why the intruder in the old book shops we have often found holding a book without knowing why, that seems to say take me with you, and we hold as a special treasure, because it is .... we have chosen the for you to take him home, to feel from time to time our strokes to read it, because not only is the magic of the writer, but also that of being anonymous that one day he played with the water rippling figures painted on it like the sea, that came from inside your soul.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shuttles To Treasure Island Mn


"Gabriel" C. Silva

Yes, today my heart is sad ... I've seen my friend sick and I do not. Have been so many years of my life marked by yours, I can not imagine why today I see your body weak, nevertheless when you try to appear strong. I wonder how you are and do not complain, comment to pass it off as something else happens, and you begin to count the projects coming, exposures to prepare you for the first time and I have fear.

really can not imagine not being able to hear the hearty laughter and your endless comments about something that happened that day or the week before.

I've always been so feisty and courageous, and we all know that the world would be better if they had a lot of people like you .... always helping everyone, the beggar on the corner and all who come to you .... always concerned about others, delivering everything about you, asking nothing, when you deserve it. It

despite all your troubles, fighting with life and do not stop, and I have injected my mind also to not falter ..... Andrés you're looking at us from above, help to continue that fight , the same that gave you and many others, give it more time.

not remember ever hearing of your lips a malicious comments against someone, all you once the good part until you have offended and hurt. The things you say in front and not give what you believe in, struggling to make much happier ....

And when you have time for you? your time will capsize on your fabrics, reminding us that we must not be complacent when you repeat a thousand times different poses to find what makes you happy .....

When I spoke with you recently heard your voice steady, and my soul is relaxed a little. Tomorrow I hope to see you for a while, meanwhile ..... when I look at a poster looking forward to returning to Chile and I have devoted many years and where I read "To Gloria with the love that we"

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A List Of Legendary Pokemon

Many times we would have asked us if we have the possibility of going back, at what age we would stop, that we would not commit error, and the truth is that I think would all the same .... with the same pains and joys I've experienced. The rest are yearning, memories are coming back to mind and suddenly wanted to stop ..... let time without the anguish of knowing that time escapes us. We must seize every minute, as the time passed and left us and there will be another like it.

I now have the ability to fly and sit and watch the rolling waves. If that is, to fly as I did in my dreams. It is a feeling of wellbeing indescribable, I raise my hands and I go and take care to guide my course.

time ago not dream about it, but I need not close our eyes to feel that feeling. The beginning of my trips have been generally accompanied by my father or my brother, who played for a while moving through the rooms, but then continued alone .... They are always long trips at night and go through deep seas up to a lighthouse. From there I look at how far the city with their lights that barely can see, I've never made the trip back, perhaps not as satisfactory as I do not know ....

So it is that I can not imagine going back, so if you want is that in these years that I occupy my time remaining on things that I like, and that is why at the end of the day after working all day, I feel is worth the time between walls, with the closure between papers, with a high window that only I can see a bit of heaven .... like prisoners prisons ....