Monday, June 21, 2010
I Want To Get Headsissored
Very cute and practical little bag for cell ...
Points used: shells and Middle Point
The cover actually has velcro button-shaped flower is just a decoration ....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Pathophisiology Of Pernicious Anemia
- In ARTISMARE : - London. At the Royal Academy of Arts: "Sargent and the Sea" (Sargent and the Sea), July 10 - 26 September. - New York. At MoMA, "Matisse: Radical Invention, 1913-1917", July 18 - 11 October. - Berne (Switzerland). The Zentrum Paul Klee, "Klee meets Picasso", until 26 September. - Edinburgh. At the Royal Scottish Academy (National Galleries of Scotland): "Christen Købke: Danish Master of Light", until October 3. - Edinburgh. In the Dean Gallery (National Galleries of Scotland): "Another World: Dali, Magritte, Miró and the Surrealists", July 10 2010 - January 9, 2011. - Art Fairs: Melbourne Art Fair (4-8 August) / ART TAIPEI 2010 (20-24 August) / Shanghai Art Fair 2010 (8-12 September) / ART MOSCOW 2010 (22 - September 26). - YouTube Play: creative video selection, until 31 July. ... and more news and resources on art.
- Winners of the categories of computer graphics Issue number 31 of the SND (Society for News Design ). Via computer graphics. - Kroogi : Community of artists. Via kabytes . - Museums: Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia ). - Videos for learn sculpture. Via roc21. See YouTube. - : view and download free movies in Black and White. Via wwwhatsnew . - free online magazines for designers. Via kabytes. - The Pulitzer Prizes (Pulitzer Prize). - : every day a free Photoshop file. Via wwwhatsnew . - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Skin Care. Via Isopixel. - Block out : social network for photographers. Via wwwhatsnew . - Illustration and 3D Michael Kustche . Via ateneupopular . - Photo and illustration: Alexia Sinclair . Via miraycalla . - Advertising in stop motion: The PEN Story ( youtube 1 / 2 youtube). Via ilues . - PIXELS ... the invasion has begun. Via onemoreproduction. See YouTube. - film animation: Metropia . Via cpluv. View Web . - Animation YouTube: Love & Theft. See other animations Hykade Andreas. Via cpluv . - deviantART : online arts community. - Humor (YouTube): IRON BABY . Via rob021c . - Animation on Vimeo: parkour. Via 40Fakes . - 50 incredible 3D artists. Via bluemag. - Animation: Baby in the Sky . Via ilues. View in YouTube. - ilues : blog illustration, animation ... - New 3D posibilades (combination of real and virtual) Lego boxes. Via cnet. metaio Web. - 10 videos that explain the augmented reality. Via maestrosdelweb. - On YouTube: Street art 3D . Via pormispelotas . See also: The Crevasse / Calling Joe & Max / Manfred & Edgar / compilation (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 ). - Coroflot: Portfolio of design, architecture, illustration, fashion, 3D ... - Alexa Meade, the art of bodypainting. Via Juxtapoz. View: flickr and web . - Canal on youtube about art: giverny122 . - Network Art: Art and American Culture. - BBC - History : web history. - Best of History Web Sites: History Resources . - Giza 3D project: virtual reality applied to archeology. Via talkingpyramids . - European Design Awards. Icograda via . - ICOGRADA : News and resources on graphic design. - Animation on Vimeo: MARS! Via drawn. - Animation on Vimeo: Pete Trailer Salesman . Via drawn. View Blog: Pete Salesman. - Animation on YouTube: Allonge Café. Via cartoonbrew . - Animation on YouTube: Bill and Fred Alf. YouTube channel: the Bob Godfrey Collection . Via cartoonbrew . - Drawn! : blog on illustration, comics, animation ... - Cartoon Brew: blog on animation. - Animation on YouTube: Cutzilla . Via willkrause . - Animation on Vimeo: subprime . - Animation on Vimeo: BIRDY NAM NAM - THE PARACHUTE ENDING. - Animation on YouTube: A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything.
- 'Fortune ' denies a cover satirizing U.S. capitalism Via cnn. Wikipedia: Chris Ware . - The art of writing a blog . Via ajmmekajros.
continue reading more news: page 2 / page 3
TAGS: exhibitions / museums / videos / artists