Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boston Marathon 2009 Official Jacket

I on behalf of my cousin these beautiful scarves and many know is that they serve a great help in this cold waiting in the United States. You
I asked each of them a pair of mittens to keep little hands for hot .....
For those interested in mittens here are the intrusions of like I did:

are in two hands: We put 36 points on pins # 6

We point rib 10 laps 1X1 (1 Law and 1reverse)

13 laps in

right fabric to separate the space where we separate the big toe.

thus separated: a needle we put 8 to 14 without a cable needle or tissue separator we are 14 points in the main needle.

Once separated, the main crosspiece where we are the last 14 points again put the other 14 we have in the other needle and go to work and forget about the 8 points that have separated in the center of the tissue.

continued: 14 lines in the right and close the fabric.

Once this part of the fingers will be going to work where we have 8 points to form the big toe.

We put 8 points on the needle and thread being used and adding we 2Line in law increasing 1 point on each side in the 2 lines and close the fabric. We

half a line item with 2 / 2 points in the space we have next to the other fingers to stick the tissue if you want to make a half-point runoff.

We remain a small holes next to the 2 points we do to join the fabric on the part of the other fingers where they give you a stitch to attach the fabric (will be like a small seams on both sides of the finger) after joining the fabric finish to form our gloves or mittens ... I doubt to help ...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tepee Tent Buffalo Hide

To all my beautiful girlfriends.

Today I share with all who pass by here to visit these beautiful stamps that I sent my girlfriend Angela Barcellos http://www.angelabarcellos.blogspot.com/

Thanks again for friend very nice touch.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dividend Reinvestment Etf






- In Artismare. Information the following exhibitions:

The New York Guggenheim, "Kandinsky", until January 13, 2010. / / Leuven (Belgium). M at the Museum of Louvain: "Rogier van der Weyden 1400 / 1464 - Master of Passions", until 6 December. / / London. The Tate Britain: Turner and the Masters ", until January 31, 2010. / / New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: "Looking In: Robert Frank's The Americans" (A look at The Americans, by Robert Frank), until January 3, 2010. / / Boston (USA). At the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: "Cafe and Cabaret: Toulouse-Lautrec's Paris", 21 November 2009 to August 8, 2010.


- 30 art magazines to publish your work. Via infectedfx.

- ArtBabble : videos about art. Via wwwhatsnew .

- Museums: National Gallery of Australia ( Canberra.)

- Museums: Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney ).

- Oliver Sacks and the woman he saw Kermit the Frog. Via flashes.

- Polish Posters of films .

- Free Magazines for designers. Via Web Masters.

- Art: In Silence . Via swiss-miss. Web Chiharu Shiota.

- Animation on YouTube: Machu Picchu Post . Via buscatv . View web .

- Illustrators: Raquel Aparicio . Via think.bigchief .

- Illustrators: Lapin . Via catcher.

- Photographers: Erwin Olaf . Watch video on YouTube .

- Animation on YouTube: krapooyo . View web .

- Animation on Vimeo: Bave Circus. Via fubiz .

- Ad on YouTube: HUTCHINSON " It's your ride."

- 500,000 bats leaving a cave. Via flashes.


- The origins of Dragon Ball . Via lacarceldepapel. View: coconino-world. In Wikipedia: Sun Wukong.

- Migraine muses. Via sopadeciencias.

- Discussion: "Reflections metro on Arthur Danto." Via javaleegarcia. See also: " THE Hartismo, radical movement." Hartismo Web.

- (Interview) Michael Eisner: "A good story always sell, in any form" ... Via Ignorance kills ...

- Humor: him prisoner to create a monster with highway barriers, D. Via esquizopedia.

- for what to read poetry. Via pulsodigital.

- Calder children. Via kireei.

- speed reading techniques. Via consumer.

continue reading more news: page 2 / page 3

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