- [ + ] At the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: " All the Histories of Art: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna , until 18 January 2009. - [ +] Madrid (Spain). In the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza and Fundación Caja Madrid: " 1914! La Vanguardia and the Great War " until January 11, 2009. - [ + ] Paris. At the Grand Palais, the Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay: "Picasso et les maîtres (Picasso and teachers ) until February 2, 2009. |
- European digital magazines. Via portafolioblog. - In ' : Art in a moleskine. Via ( read article) Isopixel. - The covers nine hundred thirty-eight Daniel Gil for Alianza Editorial. Ephemeral via . - Museums: Cincinnati Art Museum. - Matt Stuart: The other side of reality . Matt Stuart Web . - On YouTube: Walt Disney Documentary . See also: How Walt Disney Cartoons Are Made (How are cartoons made by Walt Disney). - The Digital Artist : digital artists. - Photographers: curious people. Via elLf. - Photoshop Lady: collection of tutorials on Photoshop. Via blogandweb . - Virtual Tours by Egypt: egyptvoyager / egyptianmuseum / egyptmyway / virtual-egypt . - Video animation on YouTube: Living in the dark (living in the dark). - Graffiti in times of crisis . Via flashes. - Sculptures money. Via toxel. - Photographers on Flickr: Ásmundur Þorkelsson . - In blogoff: "How do images demotivating (demotivation posters)." - Animation on YouTube: Burning Safari . View web. - Zoomii Books: Amazon's virtual bookstore (press Escape to exit the presentation.) See article: Visual Beta .
- In Klei: How to do a doctoral thesis . Via bibliographos . - Working as a freelance illustrator . Via cartoonist. - The browser war reaches the world of books. Via papelenblanco. - In, "Things not ever change " underpaid writers and writers who charge unreasonable advances millionaires ... - Palette Concept for digital artists. Via Neoteo. - How to Design a Pocket Calendar . Via analisisgrafico. - of 3D printing for self-replication ... with Darwin. Via mezclazul. - In, Joichi Ito interview: "Creative Commons will become a standards organization of copyright."
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